Jempol District Health Centre, RISDA set up mobile vaccination team

The Jempol District Health Centre with the cooperation of the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (RISDA) has taken the initiative to establish a mobile vaccination unit to provide vaccine shots for frail senior citizens and bedridden patients from house to house.

Jempol district vaccination centre (PPV) coordinator, Dr Ismul Adham Zaini said the move was to overcome the problems of people who are unable to turn up at the PPV.

“We are targeting to vaccinate 20 to 30 individuals daily in 10 villages as they are unable to go to the PPV. They are from two categories, those who have registered and are waiting for the date and the other group did not register at all,” he told reporters here today.

He said apart from the mobile unit, the centre also opened a temporary PPV at the hall of Kampung Lonek here to facilitate residents around the area to obtain vaccine jabs.

Through these extra moves, it is hoped more would be vaccinated at one time and expedite the vaccination exercise here.

RISDA chairman Datuk Mohd Salim Mohd Sharif said the mobile unit initiative was also to ease the task of children and families in bringing their loved ones to the PPV and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

“We also understand it is not convenient for those who are frail and bedridden to go to the PPV while some do not have mobile phone to register via MySejahtera, but under this programme, they would not be left behind in the vaccination programme,” he said.

Mohd Salim who is also Jempol MP said they are targeting to vaccinate 80 per cent of the villagers in the district by December.

Meanwhile, a senior citizen, Samsiah Yusof, 73, was grateful for the effort as both she and her husband aged 90 now have difficulty to move around due to old age.

“Alhamdulillah, when the doctor came to the house, both of us were able to get vaccinated , as it would be extremely difficult for us to go there (PPV),” she said after receiving her Sinovac vaccine in her house in Kampung Bukit Kerdas here.

Another senior citizen, Siti Jenah Talib, 80 of Kampung Lonek who is on a wheelchair was thankful to the team after getting her vaccine shot.

“I was feeling a little scare after hearing all kinds of stories but I did not feel anything at all,” she said .

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

  • malaysiang

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